Charles Boustany

Camp, Boustany Request Answers From Geithner On Tax Refund Pilot Program
Camp, Boustany Request Answers From Geithner On Tax Refund Pilot Program
Camp, Boustany Request Answers From Geithner On Tax Refund Pilot Program
Washington, DC – Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany (R-LA) sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner inquiring about a pilot program the Department of Treasury (Treasury) announced on January 13, which would deliver tax refunds to 600,000 individuals through the distribution of pre-paid debit cards.
Boustany Responds To Economic Address
Boustany Responds To Economic Address
Boustany Responds To Economic Address
Washington, DC – Representative Charles Boustany, (R-Southwest Louisiana) made the following statement today in reaction to the US Chamber of Commerce’s State of American Business Address, delivered by Chamber President and CEO Thomas Donahue.
Boustany Comments On Drilling Decision
Boustany Comments On Drilling Decision
Boustany Comments On Drilling Decision
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana), today called once again for the complete lifting of the de facto moratorium on offshore energy production, on the heels of the announcement that 13 energy producers will be allowed to resume drilling activities in the Gulf of Mexico.

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