Ask people to describe annoying yet painful scenarios they will likely discuss hitting their shin on a piece of furniture, slipping off the bicycle seat and landing on the bar, or maybe even cleaning their hands with sanitizer only to discover they have a paper cut. Yep, those are all pretty painful, even more, painful than being a Texas A&M or Dallas Cowboys fan these days.

@SideAction via Twitter
@SideAction via Twitter

But, there is one scenario that if you really stop to think about it trumps almost all of life's little painful moments. That would have to be the formation of a pimple or zit on the inside of your nose. Let's face it when that happens your options are few and the chance of you solving the issue is often out of your hands.

The first thing you notice about a zit on the inside of your nose is just how much it hurts. Especially if you touch it. Over the course of time, you suddenly realize just how much you actually touch your face and nose. Each time it's like an electric eel has climbed inside your nostrils and let go enough of a charge to embarrass Entergy.

Alpha M via YouTube
Alpha M via YouTube

Now, when it comes to zits, inside or outside of your orifices, there are two kinds of people. There are people that pop the zits and then there are people who lie about not trying to pop their zits. We all do it. We all want the blemish to go away and if the blemish is inside the nose, we want the excruciating, okay annoying, pain to go away.

Now, if there is a good side to having a pimple in your nose it's the fact that only you know about it. So, there's not a mad rush to find makeup to cover up God's handy work. Sometimes the zit can get so big it makes one side of your nose bright red and swollen, and then you get called Rudolph. But that's an extreme situation.

Brittany Colette via
Brittany Colette via

What Should You Do if You Get on the Inside of Your Nose?

I will tell you right now, you're going to hate the answer that doctors suggest. They suggest you leave it alone. To quote Kimberly "Sweet Brown" Wilkins, "ain't nobody got time for that".

You can ease the discomfort of the rather painful blemish by applying a warm compress to the affected area. They usually mean from the outside but if you can get a hot rag in your nose, more power to you and your Sarah Jessica Parker-sized nostrils.

Dermatologists suggest you soak a cotton swab in warm water and use that to "gently use heat to bring the bacteria that caused the blemish to move to the surface of the zit". That's the advice from a doctor quoted in Cosmopolitan Magazine, they know a lot about sticking warm things inside your body, don't they?

Now, after you've warmed up the zit area the next step is to apply ointment. You can use whatever you normally use for zits outside your nose but remember, you're going to be smelling whatever you put on that zit for quite a while, so make sure it's a "fragrance" you can stand.

Amazon Via Guruji Store
Amazon Via Guruji Store

The ointment does a couple of things for you. It can help keep the affected area cleaner and sanitized. It can also soften the skin over the zit itself. This might actually cause the pain in your nose to rupture and then we have a different kind of mess to deal with.

Finally, this is the step you're going to hate the most, you just have to leave it alone. Nature will take its course and you'll be fine in a couple of days. Yeah, you're going to feel like Good Ol'Charlie Brown for a while.

Braddock The Boss via YouTube
Braddock The Boss via YouTube

What if I don't want to Wait and I Want That Zit Out Now?

You've come to the perfect place to get bad medical advice. If you get an infection or die because you listened to some of the suggestions we are about to offer then you're probably too dumb to be on the planet and should not consider reproducing.

So, I see y'all are all still here. Welcome to the jungle, my friends.

The one thing you don't want to do is use something sharp to pop the zit. Chances are you can't see the exact location of the pustule and you'll wind up puncturing something that didn't need a hole in it. There's also a risk of infection, a big risk.

Dr. Derm via YouTube
Dr. Derm via YouTubenose hair

Being a guy, I usually get a pair of tweezers and attempt to remove any wild hairs or tame hairs for that matter from around the "zitted" area. Zitted is a word, spellcheck and autocorrect just don't know it.

Who knows,  maybe plucking one of the hairs will actually open the zit up since they tend to form around hair follicles inside the nose. You might get lucky. Doctors don't recommend this but you've already stepped over to the dark side, haven't you?

Next, I usually sterilize a paper clip, yeah like the one you have in your office desk. Or if you live within 25 miles of a woman then there are random "Bobbie pins" scattered about your bathroom. Whichever implement you choose, don't unwind it, you're going to drag the curved end over the zit. Yes, it will be painful as hell. Think of using the "loop in the paper clip" the way an ear doctor uses a looped tool to collect earwax.

All Star Medical via YouTube
All Star Medical via YouTube

If you've softened the top of the zit with a warm compress, it just might break for you. You'll know because the pain level will drop from Unholy to about the same kind of discomfort you'll feel catching a hangnail on some fabric. Rub the round and not sharp instrument over the puss-filled orb of the zit until you get relief.

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Lisa Maree Williams, Getty Images

Once the seal has been broken, use the cotton swabs to clean the area and apply first aid ointment to the affected area. You will still have to wait a day or so for the zit to fully go away but at least you won't have that pressure cooker pushing on the side of your nose driving you crazy the whole time.

Remember, I'm not a doctor but I do get nose zits and I'm not dead yet and my nose is still attached, follow my unorthodox advice at your own risk and don't perform any other surgery without checking TikTok.

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