
People Are Just Plain Crazy!
People Are Just Plain Crazy!
People Are Just Plain Crazy!
Here is another example that the world has gone mad.  Fox News says a woman has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly stabbing some guy at a party because he insulted her boyfriend!  Better yet, the victim and the boyfriend shook hands over the insult and were attempting to move on when 19-year-old Desiree Kleinow is accused of stabbing the guy, Joshua Stonaker...
A Time To Reflect On Those Lost
A Time To Reflect On Those Lost
A Time To Reflect On Those Lost
As the Christmas season is here and in full swing, I can't help but focus on those that I will not have the opportunity to spend time with this year.  As with last year, my Dad comes to mind.  We lost him in 2011 and while it has been a while, that feeling of loss never stops when the holiday rolls around...
Christmas Spirit Does Exist
Christmas Spirit Does Exist
Christmas Spirit Does Exist
You go along through your day and see what a jaded world we live in.  People are dealing with their own problems and don't seem to have time for anyone else.  It troubles me as I see people steering away more and more from helping their fellow man...
Obama Is ‘Person Of The Year’ For Time Magazine But Not For Me
Obama Is ‘Person Of The Year’ For Time Magazine But Not For Me
Obama Is ‘Person Of The Year’ For Time Magazine But Not For Me
For better or for worse, President Barack Obama has become Time's Person of the Year. This is the second time that the President has held this honor, the first being 2008 when he was President-Elect.  This time around comes as he has been reelected President and is dealing with the fallout from Benghazi, but also trying to find a fiscal cliff solution with Speaker Boehner...
Phones That Touch, Taste And Smell?  It Could Happen
Phones That Touch, Taste And Smell? It Could Happen
Phones That Touch, Taste And Smell? It Could Happen
IBM has given some rare insights into what could happen to technology in the near future.  They are saying that, by the year 2018, you could have a phone or tablet that mimics all five senses. Their example of touch involves shopping online and actually being able to feel what you are buying...
Tragedy Always Refocuses Us
Tragedy Always Refocuses Us
Tragedy Always Refocuses Us
I'm never sure why it takes something so jarring to make us all think about what is important in life.  When something like this tragedy in Connecticut takes place, we all seem to stop, sober ourselves and remember what is most important...
The GOP – An Issue Of Tolerance?
The GOP – An Issue Of Tolerance?
The GOP – An Issue Of Tolerance?
Don't look now, but Republicans have tolerance issues.  Want to know how?  It is quite simple to Joel Benenson, pollster for President Obama's campaign for re-election.  He says that the issue of Republicans and the Latino vote is one of tolerance...

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