
Barack Obama Invokes Reagan to Pass Liberal Plan
Barack Obama Invokes Reagan to Pass Liberal Plan
Barack Obama Invokes Reagan to Pass Liberal Plan
Barack Obama made some comments recently about the Buffet Rule.  In them he brought with him some of the "wealthy" that he says support the idea of paying more taxes.  In his comments, he talked about Ronald Reagan and how he talked about a "return to fairness" and said that the Buffet Rule could really be called the "Reagan Rule...
Patriotic American Or LSU Fanatic?
Patriotic American Or LSU Fanatic?
Patriotic American Or LSU Fanatic?
First let me say I am a patriotic American and an LSU fan. That being said I think you can take being a fan a bit too far. Recently I saw what looked like an American flag that seemed a smidge "off". Didn't look faded or torn but in that particular light something wasn't right.
Should We Pitch The Penny?
Should We Pitch The Penny?
Should We Pitch The Penny?
So what do you think?  Should we pitch the penny?  Not pinch it....cause most of us are doing that already.  I mean should we stop making pennies in America?  Should we do it to save some money on production?  Should we do it because counters, cup holders in cars and piggy banks get stuffed with them?  I got to think about this after seeing a story at http://www.foxnews.com from Reuters about how
Lafayette Driving Or “Dumb & Dumber”
Lafayette Driving Or “Dumb & Dumber”
Lafayette Driving Or “Dumb & Dumber”
I want to start out this little written diatribe by saying that I am far from perfect......at anything, especially driving, but I do work hard to obey traffic signals and signs.  What I can't figure out is where some of the people in our community, or those visiting our community, get their driver's licenses from.  Do they send off for them after getting three proofs of purchase from their favorit
Car Buffs May Have Reason To Celebrate
Car Buffs May Have Reason To Celebrate
Car Buffs May Have Reason To Celebrate
Car buffs may have something to smile about as two old nameplates may be making a comeback.  Studebaker is a name that you have seen if you happen on a classic car show and now, a man in Colorado is planning on bringing it back to the present day...
Santorum Undoing Himself
Santorum Undoing Himself
Santorum Undoing Himself
As we march along in this contest, we are seeing Rick Santorum doing things that are a little questionable.  From things like the Robocalls encouraging Democrats to support him to now claiming that Mitt Romney's Michigan victory was really a draw, you are seeing a candidate crack under pressure...
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
Obama – Wake Up – Rome Is Burning
How many vacations does Michelle Obama take while so many have to worry about their next paycheck? Is the President fiddlng while Rome burns? What's with the party with B.B. King and Mick Jagger? Singing a couple of bars of an Al Green song a few weeks back was "cute" but who paid for this "Red, White and Blues" shindig at the White House?
State Rep Suggests Booting Uninsured Vehicles – It’s About Time!
State Rep Suggests Booting Uninsured Vehicles – It’s About Time!
State Rep Suggests Booting Uninsured Vehicles – It’s About Time!
Rep. Henry Burns of Haughton says he wants to further discourage driving without minimum insurance coverage. Burns wants vehicles “booted” instead of towed to keep cost down for the offender. I personally don’t care what the cost is for the offender. The law says you can’t drive without insurance. Get them off the road!
Not To Be Mean Or Hateful – But Enough Whitney!
Not To Be Mean Or Hateful – But Enough Whitney!
Not To Be Mean Or Hateful – But Enough Whitney!
First let me say I thought Whitney Houston had one of the most incredible voices heard on this planet. It just seems to me that mainstream media can’t find anything else to feature. As expected Whitney’s music sales have skyrocketed since her demise and I certainly understand but the press coverage is ludicrous and now New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is having flags flown at half-mast.

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