
OMG! I Agree With Donald Trump About Something.
OMG! I Agree With Donald Trump About Something.
OMG! I Agree With Donald Trump About Something.
Even though Donald Trump has made millions in New York real estate and reality television I think basically he's a flake of the first magnitude. With that being said I heard on interview on CNN with Wolf Blitzer and I actually agree with a lot of what Trump said!
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
President Says Foreign Aid To Be Qualified By National Gay Rights
Yesterday in a speech in Geneva, Switzerland Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that American foreign aid should be doled out to countries that support the rights of lesbians, gays and transgenders. Her statement on “Human Rights Day” was based on a memorandum from President Obama to heads of executive departments and agencies.
Tebow Shouldn’t Cut It Out
Tebow Shouldn’t Cut It Out
Tebow Shouldn’t Cut It Out
Tim Tebow has gone through a lot of criticism over the course of this football season.  Everything from his style of play to his preferred religious practices and beliefs have been diced over in the media and he has been told to tone it down from people like Jake Plummer and and even Kurt Warner...
Beware! China Planning To Enter The Vaccine Market
Beware! China Planning To Enter The Vaccine Market
Beware! China Planning To Enter The Vaccine Market
China is preparing to enter the world’s vaccine market in an effort to lower costs of life saving immunizations for the world’s poor. In addition to giving Western pharmaceutical companies competition this will cause more concern for the health of everyone.
Merry Christmas—So There!
Merry Christmas—So There!
Merry Christmas—So There!
I don't know you maybe, but I do know this; I love America! I love freedom of speech, all the rest of the things protected in the Bill of Rights, and I will stand up for you to express your opinion, so why do some of you get so weirded out when I tell you Merry Christmas!
Will You Be Working Until You Have One Foot In The Grave
Will You Be Working Until You Have One Foot In The Grave
Will You Be Working Until You Have One Foot In The Grave
In yet another bit of cheerful economic news, a quarter of the 1,500 people who filled out Wells Fargo’s latest retirement survey said they don’t plan to retire until they’re 80 years old — two years past the life expectancy of the average American. Scary stuff? You bet!
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
The Washington Times is now reporting that the President has once again used the auto-pen to sign a bill into law. The auto-pen is a device that the White House has used for years to send out signed pictures of the President.  It keeps the President from getting writers cramp from all of the requests that have come in...
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
Now There’s A Way to Beat the Baggage Rules
I'm a guy that loves innovation.  That's why I couldn't believe what I saw when I saw this new luggage/jacket combo. If you've ever traveled by air, you know what a pain it is to have to pay for checked luggage.  In addition, when you have to figure out if the carry-on you do have works for the plane, you take extra time and trouble...
Supreme Court Will Sort Out Healthcare
Supreme Court Will Sort Out Healthcare
Supreme Court Will Sort Out Healthcare
The word has come from Washington that the U. S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case against Obamacare.  The Obama Administration has said that they are confident that the healthcare law will prevail once the court hears it.  Opponents are equally as confident...
Top Ten Reasons Rick Perry Messed Up At The Debate
Top Ten Reasons Rick Perry Messed Up At The Debate
Top Ten Reasons Rick Perry Messed Up At The Debate
Rick Perry had a moment to be forgotten in the debate earlier this week between Republican Candidates for President on CNBC.  Now, he is making the rounds of various media outlets saying that he "stepped in it."  That was even more evident as he made an appearance on David Letterman to give the top ten reasons why he messed up.  C ...

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