DeSoto Sheriff Says COVID-19 Case Numbers In The Parish Are Inflated
DeSoto Parish is one of a handful of parishes that have raised red flags about the way COVID-19 cases were counted. Sheriff Jayson Richardson, who also serves as the GOHSEP lead in the parish, says he has personally seen duplicate names on the list of cases in his parish. He said the case information comes in the form of daily briefings. He also said some of his own employees' names were on the list of cases multiple times.
Sheriff Richardson joined The Moon Griffon Show to give his perspective. You can listen to the full interview below.
Richardson was careful to say he did not know what methods Louisiana Department of Health uses for the official count. The Governor's office and Louisiana Department of Health have in recent days stood by their numbers. Governor Edwards has called it reckless and irresponsible to downplay the seriousness of the virus. For his part, Sheriff Richardson says he doesn't question that the COVID-19 virus is serious, but he wants his public to have the most accurate information.