With the continued rise in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, the need for surgical masks is also on the rise. There is now a website that matches people with extra masks to healthcare workers who need them.

Mask Match matches people who have extra N95, R95, P95, or any other surgical-grade masks to people in the healthcare industry who need the masks for personal virus protection.

Mask Match is a peer-to-peer platform helping people with spare N95 and surgical masks send them directly to healthcare workers on the front lines who need them — without needing to leave their house. - Mask Match

The folks at Mask Match will verify the identity of the person requesting the masks as being a bonafide healthcare worker who needs masks and then will send an email to the donor. At that time the donor will ship the masks to the healthcare worker and, voila: match completed!

The masks are not being bought/sold or traded for anything, it is a true donation with the (small) burden of shipping being paid by the donor. Heroes helping heroes.

If you have extra masks in your home, consider donating them to a healthcare worker. We need our nurses, doctors, and first responders to be as well as can be, which requires them to have the proper personal protection equipment.

We all need to do our part to help mitigate the spread of this disease; this is just one way in which you can help.

Now, go wash your hands.



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