If you are trying to limit the amount of times you are going to the grocery store under the Governor's "Stay at Home Order", the LSU AgCenter has compiled a list of how long the produce that you buy at the store will last once you get it home.

I know that we have severely limited our trips to the stores since all of this has happened, and we are working to make our food last as long as possible, so these tips given in a press release from the LSU AgCenter have certainly come in handy.

When it comes to the economics of buying food, I also want to make sure that I getting "the most bang for my buck". I want to try to buy food that I know will last longer, and it's going to go bad quicker I want to know so that I can put it carefully sealed into the freezer.

Sandra May, LSU AgCenter registered dietitian in the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences had this to say,

"A lot of fresh produce lasts a long time if stored properly. When people buy fresh foods, in general, they usually eat them in the first week, but things like apples and carrots can last a long time in the crisper."

I find that what happens is I will buy a bag of oranges and a bag of apples, then I forget to put them together in the recipes that I was thinking about at the store. With the instruction for the LSU AgCenter, know I have a better idea of when I need to think about freezing the items to use when I am ready to cook that recipe.

How long will food last?

I hope this helps you in making your food budget last longer. I really would love to find out about your recipes too. I am currently on a path of changing my before towards food, and I have been successful thus far, but I sure could use some new ideas. Email me the recipes you love to bernie@kpel965.com, and thank you in advance.

LSU Ag Center also has a wealth of other knowledge about food safety and other health issues related to food.


READ MORE: How Much Food Do You Need to Shelter in Place?




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