"Joe Exotic" of Netflix's hit series 'Tiger King' recently went to Facebook in search of a young woman who had sent him some mail. The mail contained a photo of a young woman decked out in Ragin' Cajuns gear, but there was no return address. So, the Tiger King himself went to social media to track down the young woman from Louisiana.

Tiger King

After taking the world by storm via Netlix's 'Tiger King', "Joe Exotic" has become a pop-culture phenomenon even while doing a stint in federal prison. He has also dealt with personal issues such as relationship problems, drama with Carole Baskin, and even a bout with cancer.

Nevertheless, the Tiger King himself has taken the time to reciprocate the love his fans have shown him no matter what he is going through in his personal life.


"Joe Exotic" from 'Tiger King' Tracks-Down Incoming University of Louisiana Student

See a screenshot of the Facebook post from Joseph A Maldonado aka 'Joe Exotic' below.


As you can see, the post features a graduation photo of a young woman decked out in Ragin' Cajuns gear. Clearly, the mail contained an invitation to Sulphur High School's graduation which was intended for "Joe Exotic".

So the "Tiger King" himself went to Facebook in hopes of reaching the young person. Quickly, many Louisiana locals were able to assist in the search.


It didn't take long for the Facebook community to reach out the soon-to-be University of Louisiana student, Mattie Duhon.


Eventually, Miss Duhon did get in touch with "Joe Exotic" as the two of them spoke back and forth in the comment section of the post.


If Miss Duhon and the "Tiger King" weren't friends before, they sure are now!

It is pretty cool to see "Joe Exotic" go out of his way to try and get in touch with this Louisiana student. Hopefully this helps make Mattie Duhon's transition from high school to college all the more special.

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