Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Daily Booking Report
The following is a list of the people who were booked into the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center for Friday, May 24, 2019:
Name: Alfred, April
Charge: Simple Criminal Damage To Prop
Arresting Agency: Lafayette Parish Sheriff'S Ofc
Address: 400 Blk Sunset DRV
Lafayette, La
Name: Barnaba, Nicholas
Charge: Prohibited Acts
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 300 Blk Birch DR
Lafayette, La
Name: Broussard, Scott
Charge: Batty Of Date Partner
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 1100 Blk Jerome ROA
Lafayette, La
Name: Bruno, Trelon
Charge: Prohibited Acts
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 100 Blk Odile STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Colligan, Kevin
Charge: Schedule Ii
Arresting Agency: Penalties
Address: 100 Blk La Rue Biarritz DRV
Duson, La
Name: Comeaux, Rayon
Charge: Cruelity To Juveniles Charge
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 200 Blk Merchants BLV
Lafayette, La
Name: Devillier, Caleb
Charge: Schedule Ii
Arresting Agency: Penalties
Address: 100 Blk La Rue Biarittz
Duson, La
Name: Fuselier, Anazia
Charge: Warrant/Bench Warrant
Arresting Agency: Lafayette Parish Sheriff'S Ofc
Address: 900 Blk Hopkins STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Gaspard, Logan
Charge: Battery On A Police Officer
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 700 Blk Tulane AVE
Lafayette, La
Name: Girello, Jessica
Charge: Fugitive
Arresting Agency: Lafayette Parish Sheriff'S Ofc
Address: 000 Blk Homeless
Lafayette, La
Name: Greening, Teresa
Charge: Schedule Ii
Arresting Agency: Penalties
Address: 100 Blk La Rue Biarritz
Duson, La
Name: Guidry, Jacori
Charge: Warrant/Bench Warrant
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 100 Blk Starboard LP
Carencro, La
Name: Hebert, Tammi
Charge: Simple Criminal Damage To Prop
Arresting Agency: Lafayette Parish Sheriff'S Ofc
Address: 400 Blk Rue Novembre ROA
Scott, La
Name: Hebert, Kimberly
Charge: Theft By Shoplifting/Value Ov
Arresting Agency: Carencro Pd
Address: 200 Blk Woodrow STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Houck, Johnathan
Charge: Criminal Trespass
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 000 Blk Homeless
Lafayette, La
Name: Irby, Jamie
Charge: Owi Vehicle
Arresting Agency: Youngsville Pd
Address: 1700 Blk Aaron RD
Rayne, La
Name: Johnson, Ambrose
Charge: Aggravated Assault Charge
Arresting Agency: Carencro Pd
Address: 200 Blk Wallace Broussard ROA
Carencro, La
Name: Keith, David
Charge: Vagrancy
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 400 Blk Essie STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Marshall, Illatrisha
Charge: Fugitive
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 600 Blk Goldman STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Marter, Ashley
Charge: Owi Vehicle
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 14626 Blk Avalon
Baton Rouge, La
Name: Pete, Merceedez
Charge: Batty Of Date Partner
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 200 Blk Merchants BLV
Lafayette, La
Name: Picou, Anthony
Charge: Vagrancy
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 000 Blk Homeless STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Prejean, Albert
Charge: Warrant/Bench Warrant
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 100 Blk St Espirt ROA
Carencro, La
Name: Richmond, Kavante
Charge: Prohibited Acts
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 100 Blk Randolph DRR
Lafayette, La
Name: Sampy, Javon
Charge: Principal/ Theft
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 400 Blk Nico RD
New Iberia, La
Name: Schexnayder, Trevor
Charge: Theft Charge
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 000 Blk Homeless
Lafayette, La
Name: St Julien, Eric
Charge: Criminal Trespass
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Marshal
Address: 600 Blk Handy STR
Church Point, La
Name: Thibodeaux, Brian
Charge: Fugitive
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 100 Blk Essie STR
Lafayette, La
Name: Trahan, John
Charge: Theft Charge
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 700 Blk W South STR
Opelousas, La
Name: Vallot, Timmy
Charge: Warrant/Bench Warrant
Arresting Agency: Broussard Pd
Address: 000 Blk Homeless ST
Lafayette, La
Name: Vavasseur, Tyrin
Charge: Assault By Drive-By Shooting C
Arresting Agency: Scott Pd
Address: 500 Blk Orchid DRV
Lafayette, La
Name: Venable, John
Charge: Schedule Ii
Arresting Agency: Penalties
Address: 400 Blk Tissington STR
Lafayette, La
Name: White, Aubaray
Charge: Man/Dist/Pos Of A Sch.I; Marij
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 4000 Blk Mcanally RD
New Iberia, La
Name: Williams, Ranaisha
Charge: Batty Of Date Partner
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 500 Blk Foreman DRV
Lafayette, La
Name: Yorks, Brendon
Charge: Prohibited Acts
Arresting Agency: Lafayette City Pd
Address: 15 Blk Clematis CT
Lafayette, La