Louisiana Senators Post Low Approval Ratings
How do we the people feel about the job the people we hire (elected) to a job for us in Washington D.C.? Well we the people of Louisiana don't appear to be too thrilled with Senator David Vitter or Senator Bill Cassidy. That is if you put any faith at all in surveys and poll numbers.
In a recent report published by Morning Consult Senator Vitter's approval rating with voters was just 47%. Surprisingly Senator Cassidy's approval numbers were even lower at 44%. I say surprisingly because Vitter has just concluded a very nasty gubernatorial campaign there is no doubt that voters would have very strong and very recent feelings about him.
Perhaps the low rating with which people hold Congress, in general, has attached itself to Cassidy.
U.L. Political Science Professor Pearson Cross made those comments to the Louisiana Radio Network. He went on to say that Vitter's decision to retire from the Senate and the recent loss of Mary Landrieu as a Senator will certainly have an affect on Louisiana's clout in the federal government.
We have, just in the space of a couple of short years, lost our two senators that both had some clout, moving to a situation in which we have no clout in the US Senate.
That doesn't mean the state isn't well represented in Washington it just means that our congressmen will have to work even harder to get legislation passed that will directly benefit the state as whole. Cross suggested that kind clout and power takes time to build.
That kind of work takes some time. It's not flashy, but it's certainly very important in a Senate where many are given over to posturing.