Mom Laments for Time BC (Before Coronavirus), Shares Hope
A local mom took to Facebook to lament about time BC (before the coronavirus), and then shares a message of hope.
Simone Ancelet says she misses the routine of her day(s) before the coronavirus scare hit Acadiana:
My favorite part of the day was dropping off the girls at school... I'd give them a big kiss and tell them to do their best. They assure me with the sweetest smiles that they will. - Simone Ancelet, Facebook
She wallows in her personal misery for a moment and then remembers that, during this time of isolation, we are not alone.
If you’re sad, sacred, anxious, angry, you are not alone. It’s possible to feel all these emotions and have hope and somehow remain positive all at the same time. - Simone Ancelet
And she has a point: we are all affected. I don't know of one person that is carrying on with their daily routine without some, though minute, change due to the current situation.
Simone, I will indulge you: Thank you for the words of encouragement, and I will do my best today. And every day. Thanks for being (what appears to be) a great Mom, and thanks for sharing your story, as I am certain that more people than just me needed to hear it today.
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