
America's Worst Peanut Butter Brand is Sold in Louisiana
America's Worst Peanut Butter Brand is Sold in Louisiana
America's Worst Peanut Butter Brand is Sold in Louisiana
Louisiana is just as obsessed with peanut butter, and peanut butter flavored things, as the rest of the country. While it's often marketed as a healthy addition to your after noon snack or morning smoothie, there are some hidden ingredients that should be avoided in many of the popular brands.
These are the Best Margaritas in Lafayette, Louisiana
These are the Best Margaritas in Lafayette, Louisiana
These are the Best Margaritas in Lafayette, Louisiana
It does not have to be summer in Louisiana for us to crave a margarita from one of our favorite local restaurants. Yes, we said restaurants because not only have our Mexican restaurants perfected their margaritas, but even our local steak houses have an excellent margarita.

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