Though it's a local church, many of the people who were holding signs aren't from Acadiana, as they have traveled from Central Florida, Alabama, and East Texas.
What was going through his mind as he was kneeling in front of that statue of Mary? I was able to run through the "Hail Mary" from knees-down to knees-up
In an effort of equality, the members of Congress have also made the decision to modify their opening prayer, and have begun ending that prayer with "Amen and Awoman".
What percentage of Americans believe that God plays a hand in determining the outcome of football games? If we were playing the High Low Game what number would you pick?
MELINDA DESLATTE, Associated Press
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Gov. Bobby Jindal told Christian evangelicals gathered at an all-day prayer rally that the nation needs a "spiritual revival."
Jindal continued to court religious conservatives for a possible Republican presidential campaign with a headlining appearance Saturday at the event...
The Jan. 24 rally is expected to draw thousands and raise Jindal's profile. Jindal hasn't commented on the views of the American Family Association, which has linked same-sex marriage and abortion to tornadoes and Hurricane Katrina.
I rarely watch award shows but last night I watched the beginning of the Grammys and had quite a shock. LL Cool J was hosting and came out to start the show with a prayer due to the passing of Whitney Houston. Amazing! Some governmental meetings, high school football games and other activities are not allowed to start with prayer due to the ACLU but yet Cool J comes out and starts with a prayer!
Ask a Christian if they think Christianity is under attack in America, and they may very well quickly give you an expression such as, "Well, yes". So where is the proof? Some say there are examples everywhere.