If you’re always looking for a bargain, you need to know what time of year things usually go on sale. Times are tough right now and we're all money-crunching.  Here are some things you will find on sale in March and April so you can start preparing now if you want to take advantage of the deals.

Black Friday
Craig Lassig, Getty Images

Things that go on sale in March:

TV’s manufacturers are about to release new models so March is the second-best month of the year to buy a TV. If you’re wondering the best month, it’s November.

Jewelry is on sale in March because the jewelers want to move out what is left over from Christmas and Valentine’s Day. So, if you’re looking to propose, get the ring now.

Winter Sports Gear is on sale in March for obvious reasons. Skis, snowboards, skiwear like coats and boots are all being pushed out as the warmer spring months approach.

Frozen Food? That’s a little strange, right? March is National Frozen Foods Month and a lot of grocery stores offer deals to celebrate the event.

Mattress manufacturers are ready to roll out the new models which means stores need to get the old mattresses out for the arrival of the new ones. March is the best month to buy your mattress.

Grills prices will be going up with summer approaching so March is the last chance you get to steal a grill deal.

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Things that go on sale in April:

Candy lovers should buy it in April when all the Easter candy is marked down. It might have Easter bunnies on the wrapper but who cares?

Gyms and health clubs are desperately looking for memberships since everyone has ditched their resolutions for the new year. That means they’re offering their best deals and waiving fees.

Cookware sets are usually discounted by department stores during April. If you have a wedding gift you need to purchase, that’s the time to buy some cookware.

Auto parts and services are discounted in April because it’s National Car Care Month. It’s the perfect time to give your automobile some TLC after the winter months.

Paint and other home-improvement supplies will be significantly marked down in April and the timing couldn’t be better with spring-cleaning in full force. As a matter of fact, Home Depot has an event called ‘Spring Black Friday’ with tons of great deals.

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