No matter whether you're on the town for a night of honky tonkin in Fort Worth, getting weird on 6th Street in Austin, or spending some time across the state line at the casinos in Lake Charles and Shreveport one thing is for sure, you're going to need some cash. But in today's world "cash" isn't exactly the same stuff it used to be.


What we mean by that is this, you don't always need "hard coins and paper dollars" to pay for stuff. And no, you don't always have to have a credit card or debit card. In today's high-tech world, all you might really need is a bank account a smartphone, and one of the many highly regarded money transfer apps.

The three apps that deal with the transfer of money that I am most familiar with are Venmo, Zelle, and Cash App. The latter, Cash App, has been the subject of a court ruling and if you've used the app to transfer or receive funds between August 23, 2018 and August 20, 2024, you might be owed restitution. 


During that time frame, Cash App users were subjected to a series of data breaches. It is estimated that some 8.2 million Cash App users were affected by the breaches. If you feel as if you were one of them, then you will want to submit a claim to be a part of a $15 million settlement.

Staff Photo
Staff Photo

That settlement showed the court found Block Inc, the owner of Cash App to be "negligent and breached other obligations" while they "failed to implement appropriate controls to prevent unauthorized access".

The breach is believed to have involved a former employee who downloaded investment reports that contained sensitive data. Another breach was alleged to have occurred about a year later when data from the first breach was used to gain access to affected accounts.

Sharon McCuthcheon via
Sharon McCuthcheon via

If you suffered losses that resulted in out-of-pocket expenses you could be eligible to receive up to $2,500 in reimbursement. You can also submit a claim for reimbursement of lost work, up to three hours, if the data breach caused an issue there. You can learn more about the documentation needed right here. 

The deadline to submit your claim is November 18, 2024. Claims may be submitted here.

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