This Common Driving Mistake Could Get You a Ticket
Throngs of people are hitting the roads, and that means drivers will need to pay extra attention so they can avoid accidents caused by careless and impaired drivers.
During this week's "Ask the Trooper" segment on Acadiana's Morning News, Trooper Thomas Gossen discussed the right way and the wrong way to pass a car while driving on a two-lane road. According to Gossen, drivers being passed must yield to the car passing them. That means if you're being passed, you can't speed up to prevent the other car from overtaking you. Gossen also discussed other common mistakes drivers make when passing another vehicle--mistakes that could lead to traffic tickets, crashes, and/or injuries.
Gossen also discussed Louisiana State Police's Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, which aims to stop drunk drivers before they harm anyone. Gossens shares some eye-opening statistics about impaired driving while shattering a few myths about the law that makes impaired driving illegal.