Updated Projections Say Louisiana’s COVID Peak Date Moved Up
As the State of Louisiana continues their attempt to "flattening the curve" of the COVID-19 outbreak, new numbers continue to be added to the mathematical models. Governor John Bel Edwards has made multiple moves in the state, including closing schools and non-essential businesses, to help slow the spread.
Though the closures and social distancing are not a cure, they are efforts in an attempt to reduce the influx of patients who will need hospitalization from the disease. It is also in an effort to reduce the amount of ICU beds and ventilators that would be needed at one specific time.
Last week we looked at data from The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, or (IHME) is an independent research center, which is a group of medical researchers who regularly create models focusing on health and medicine. They are based at the University of Washington, inside the first state in the US to be impacted by COVID-19.
But this week, they have updated that information, which had changed the model. Moving the peak up from April 10th, to April 9th.
At that point, the projection says Louisiana will require 7,463 beds, and 1,143 ICU beds, both numbers that surpass what the state has available.
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