(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter today expressed his support for the hundreds of thousands of Americans – including many Louisianians –  participating in the 38th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C, in remembrance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in every state. 
David Vitter
Vitter was also scheduled to meet with a group of several hundred Louisiana students attending the march later in the day.
“Each year, the March for Life solemnly reminds us of the Supreme Court’s infamous decision 38 years ago to legalize abortion nationwide,” said Vitter. “I’m grateful for the many pro-life Americans from across the country, and especially in Louisiana, who continue to gather to express their sorrow over this ongoing tragedy – and to renew our commitment to building a culture where all people, born and unborn, are guaranteed the right to life.”
On Tuesday, the first day of this legislative session that senators are allowed to officially submit legislation, Vitter will reintroduce his bill to amend title X of the Public Health Service Act to prohibit family planning grants from being awarded to entities that perform abortions.
“My Title X amendment would end the practice of allowing taxpayer funds to be used to pay for administrative costs and other services offered by abortion providers, a practice that allows other funds to be used for abortion practices,” said Vitter.
Vitter also plans to reintroduce the Pregnant Women Health and Safety Act, a bill requiring any doctor who performs an abortion to have admitting privileges to a hospital located within an hour’s travel time of the doctor’s primary medical office.  This legislation, if passed into law, could have possibly helped prevent the deplorable actions of an abortion provider in Philadelphia that has been highlighted in news reports following his recent arrest.
“Women who undergo abortions are at risk for serious health complications, and it is imperative that abortion doctors be held responsible for providing follow-up care in a timely manner,” Vitter said. “I will continue to fight to preserve the sanctity of life with these and other measures before Congress.”
Vitter will also reintroduce his Abortion Non-Discrimination Act, which would prevent federal, state and local governments from discriminating against all health care providers – including hospitals, provider sponsored organizations, HMOs and health insurance plans – on the basis of their refusal to perform, provide coverage of or pay for abortions.
Vitter has been a consistent advocate for the sanctity of human life in both the Senate and the House, earning a 100% pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Committee.
The pro-life bills he will introduce tomorrow are part of a package of nearly 40 bills Vitter is introducing on the first day of the 112th Congress that senators are allowed to officially submit legislation.

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