Walmart Announces Free Thanksgiving for Everyone!

There's a lot of uncertainty surrounding the last 2 holidays in 2020. With Thanksgiving just over a week away, a lot of folks are scrambling to change or cancel their annual family feast. If you find yourself slimming down the big family meal into a regular-sized family meal - Walmart, rewards app iBotta, Campbell's, Butterball and Coca-Cola have got your back!
The exclusive partnership has announced a plan to get you a free Thanksgiving dinner! According to CBS19, this promotional offer comes on the heels of iBotta’s 2020 Thanksgiving Survey. The results showed a disturbing one-third of Americans will have a much smaller meal on Thanksgiving because of budgetary constraints. In an effort to feed more than a million families who might be struggling to food on the table this year (let alone a turkey) the partnership is offering a full Thanksgiving meal!
I don't know about you, but 2020 has been a bit rough. My family and I will absolutely take a little relief in the form of a free turkey dinner! I signed up right before I wrote this article!
What does that meal consist of? Here's the list:
- Campbell’s condensed cream of mushroom soup (10.5-ounce can)
- 2-liter bottle of Coke
- All varieties of Butterball 3-pound turkey roast or $9.98 cash back on all Butterball whole turkeys
- McCormick turkey gravy seasoning packet (0.87-ounce package)
- French’s crispy onions (2.8-ounce package)
- Idahoan instant mashed potatoes (8-ounce package)
- Great Value stuffing (6-ounce package)
- Great Value cranberry sauce (14-ounce can)
- Great Value frozen green beans (12-ounce bag)
Here's how it works:
- Download the iBotta app, and sign up.
- Link your iBotta account to your Walmart account
- Buy the pre-approved items
- Earn cashback for the entire purchase! ($20.27 value)
Happy (and free) Thanksgiving!
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