Who needs a coin prior to a football game?

Two high school football teams resorted to playing the game Rock, Paper, Scissors prior to kickoff after coaches agreed to do something different.

Rather than have the traditional coin toss prior to kickoff, teams participated in some friendly competition most kids resort to when bored.

In the best 2-out-of-3, the winner would get the option to have the ball first to start the game. As you may expect, this has attracted lots of attention on both television and on social media, including a hit on ESPN prior to Monday Night Football.

Elmwood-Brimfield won the game, before the game, but that hasn't stopped most from sharing and laughing at this pre-game incident.

Twitter via Jim Mattson
Twitter via Jim Mattson

Some on Twitter have suggested that more of this is needed and some have even suggested that the NFL adopt this prior to their games.

Then again, this may be too much fun for a league that seems to be taking the "fun" out of the game.

I love that these two coaches agreed to do this and it is certainly a night no one will forget, and these players will talk about this for many years to come.

One more thing, to any official that ever forgets the coin for the coin toss, you can always resort to the following and no one will complain,

Watch here.

Check out what some are saying about this game within the game.

LOOK: 50 images of winning moments from sports history

Sometimes images are the best way to honor the figures we've lost. When tragedy swiftly reminds us that sports are far from the most consequential thing in life, we can still look back on an athlete's winning moment that felt larger than life, remaining grateful for their sacrifice on the court and bringing joy to millions.

Read on to explore the full collection of 50 images Stacker compiled showcasing various iconic winning moments in sports history. Covering achievements from a multitude of sports, these images represent stunning personal achievements, team championships, and athletic perseverance.

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