Lets face it, there are three things we love in Louisiana. God, football, and Mardi Gras.

I've said it hundreds of times... No one is more Louisiana than Louisiana's Lt. Governor, Billy Nungesser. The man is as Louisiana as it gets, I'd say the only one that can come close to him in that realm of truly personifying our state, would be Coach Ed Orgeron.

Billy simply loves what we love, and this week, he shared his optimism for our state. I believe optimism for us all is very important these days.

Nungesser spoke about the recent (slight) decline in COVID-19 cases in our state, and believes the mask mandate and closing of bars helped to contribute to that decline. He also believes that if the numbers continue to trend down, our state should be a go for football and Mardi Gras season. He says, "I can’t imagine this state or this country without getting through this in the next several months.”

He also added he is meeting soon with the Sugar Bowl Committee and is committed to holding the bowl game in New Orleans at the start of next year.

The state has now seen two consecutive days of cases under 2,000 after last week’s numbers averaging clear over 2,000 a day. After breaking records earlier in the pandemic Nungesser is celebrating the fact that last weekend was the biggest attendance weekend in Louisiana State Park history.


We have got millions of people who are going to our websites, the museums and state parks we give you a mask and are constantly wiping things down, so you can do those things safely,

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