On NewsTalk 96.5 KPEL's 'Brand Buzz' this week Jaci Russo discussed how one local business has been using Instagram effectively to promote their business. According to Russo,

It's interesting as we become more and more of a visual society I think that most businesses have left Instagram alone thinking that it's just for kids and really haven't tapped into the entire network that is available to them.

Even though most businesses don't make use of Instagram Russo one local business is doing a great job with it.

Ruckus, which is a skate shop downtown, they post on Instagram with products, with sales, they'll take a sale item and hide it somewhere downtown and give you clues and you have to go find it. They really use Instagram to tap into their audience and you know what's happening? They are selling stuff!

To hear more about the effective use of Instagram click on the blue arrow below:

To get more great information on branding visit Jaci's blog www.razorbrandingblog.com.



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