Parade Safety By The Lafayette Police Department
The Lafayette Police department have released their statements about parade safety for this coming Mardi Gras season. This is the release that the department has released.
The Lafayette Police Department is in final preparation for the Mardi Gras parade season here in the City of Lafayette. The first Parade will begin on Saturday, February 11, 2012, at 6:30 pm. The Lafayette Police Department will close all streets on and around the parade route one hour before the event begins. (Note: The barricades will be placed on the streets along the parade route on Thursday, February 9, 2012 and remain until after the parade on February 11, 2012. The barricades will be repositioned back onto the streets on Thursday, February 16, 2012. Citizens should avoid these areas around the parade route to avoid traffic congestion.) This procedure is also true for all of the other below listed parades:
• Friday, February 17, 2012, at 6:30 pm
• Saturday, February 18, 2012, at 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm
• Monday, February 20, 2012, at 6:00 pm
On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, Mardi Gras Day, there are three parades scheduled. The parades will begin at 10:00am, 1:00pm and 2:00pm. All streets in and around the parade route will be closed until the completion of the final parade of the day. No streets will be open until all citizens have been removed from the area and vehicles are able to travel safely.
The intersection of University Ave and Johnston St, along with the intersection of St. Mary Blvd and Johnston St. will remain open as crossover intersections until the parade is only several blocks from the location.
*Note - All parades will begin at Pontiac Point (Jefferson St at Surrey St) and end at Cajun Field except for the children’s parade. The Children’s Parade, which is scheduled for Saturday, February 18, 2012, at 12:30 pm, will begin at Lafayette Street and West Vermilion Street and end at Cajun Field.
The Lafayette Police Department is asking all residents and businesses along the parade route to make arrangements during the time of the road closures to avoid any inconvenience. Those resident’s and businesses can contact the Lafayette Police Department at (337)291-8630 for any assistance they may need in negotiating the parade route.
Location of Command POST along the Parade Route:
• Fire Station #1 at Vermilion and Lee Street
• Fire Station #5 at Johnston St. and St. Julien Street
• Lafayette Police Command Bus at Johnston St and S. College
• The Command Bus will be located at Cajun Field (Not for the 2/11/12 Parade)
LOST or FOUND CHILDREN – can be brought to any officer along the parade route or to one of the above listed command post.
Please Note—Parents are requested to secure a note in a pocket of each child with the child’s name, address, and telephone number of someone to contact in case the parent and child become separated. (The number should be someone who will be home, not with the parent or child.)
Medical Assistance - Acadian Ambulance Service will have ambulance units stationed along the parade route. Citizens needing medical assistance should notify one of the police officers along the parade route or report to the nearest police command post.
Parking – No parking will be allowed on the streets or sidewalks along the parade routes. The city-parking garage on Vermilion Street will not be available to the public. Parking at the Blackham Coliseum, inside the fenced area will be limited to floats and people picking up band members and other parade participants.
Handicap Viewing – The following areas will be designated as handicap viewing. The 500 block of Jefferson Boulevard (Between South Orange and South Sterling Streets) also Vermilion and Lee Street and St. Julien and Johnston, in front of the command post.
Prohibitions – The following will be prohibited along the parade route: Any product that is manufactured for the purpose of being thrown against a hard surface or stepped on to make a popping noise: such as, snaps, pops, and cracker balls; silly string; animals; roller blading; whips; glass containers; No flashing (exposing oneself), and throwing items back at float riders. Entering the barricaded areas during the parades is not allowed and strictly enforced.