Report: FDA Could Give Pfizer Vaccine Full Approval on Monday
The U.S. Federal Drug Administration is aiming to give the 2-shot Pfizer vaccine full approval on Monday, a full two weeks ahead of their Labor Day deadline. That's according to The New York Times, as reported in this Reuters article.
The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are all currently under emergency approval from the FDA, a reason many people have cited for not taking the COVID vaccine. Paperwork is apparently the only thing keeping Pfizer's vaccine from having full FDA approval right now.
Pfizer received emergency approval status in December 2020.
Will this lead to more people voluntarily getting a COVID shot?
Will it lead to more vaccine mandates across the country?
These are questions that will now be answered sooner rather than later as many physicians are now more likely to promote the booster shot for patients with compromised immune systems.