Too Much Holiday? Here’s How To Bounce Back
The holidays can be rough...on multiple levels, travel, sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, or on a relative's sofa. Then, there's the food, the stress, and the booze. Travel brings on stress & fatigue. I've grown to hate air travel over the years. All those holiday treats, loaded with sugar, salt & fat! How do you bounce back? Here are some suggestions from NBC News on how to bounce back...
Too much salt: Drink extra water, and reduce the next day's sodium intake.
Too much sugar: Go for a walk.
Hangover: The biggest culprit here is dehydration. Drink water, or a sports drink before you go to bed. Eggs & asparagus make a good morning after breakfast
( asparagus omelette, perhaps)
O.D.'ed on family?... Volunteer to run an errand, giving you some alone time.
By the way, Merry Christmas!