A video posted on social media has some in south Louisiana asking why a drone was spotted flying over Mandeville, Louisiana.

In recent days you may have seen many reports of drones flying over areas in or around New Jersey, and now we have a drone spotting near New Orleans.

Sure, many enthusiasts these days have drones that they fly for entertainment or content purposes. Still, after recent drone reports have hit the mainstream media, some people across the country are becoming suspicious of the amount of drones being spotted.

A congressman recently stated on Fox News that his sources say an advisory of the United States could be the one responsible for the drones recently spotted over the country. In contrast, some say that the drones are to the United States.

Whatever the case may be, America seems to have all eyes on the sky above and more and more drones are being spotted and reported.

Take a look at the drone seen over Mandeville, Louisiana, and let us know what you think of it in the comment section on the social media platform that linked you to this story.

Here's a report on the recent drones or unidentified flying objects over New Jersey.

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