The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries opened its black bear hunting season this past weekend and the first of ten bears to be harvested across the state was taken down.

As we previously reported here, ten permits were handed out to hunters in various regions of the state to harvest black bears. The reason for the hunting season is there are too many bears in various parts of Louisiana now, thus harvesting some would help control the bear population across the state.

Yes, in some areas of the state, black bears have become a nuisance so the state has decided to bring back the hunting season for bears, with ten black bears being harvested during the designated season.

Since the season opened, we now have our first look at a black bear being shot and killed in Louisiana, and according to Delhi Feed & Supply, it was harvested by Fisher Brown.

As you can see in the photo here, the first bear harvested was an older bear and a large one too. The bear we were reportedly shot in Madison Parish.

The black bear hunting season in Louisiana is back for the first time in 40 years and lit is open until December 22. Those who were granted permits to harvest black bears for the season were required to take a training course on bears in Louisiana, which included the proper way to identify bears.

Delhi Feed & Supply
Delhi Feed & Supply


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