Little Girl Insists On Ending The Pledge With ‘AMEN’ [VIDEO]
My 4-year-old Leighton has regularly said the Pledge on-the-air since she was 2. It was something that happened one day in the car. She was just a little one when she started saying the pledge without prompt. She had learned it at school. Great job teachers!
There were missing words and mispronunciations (indivisible was a toughy!). But she knew the rhythm of the words and what it was supposed to sound like. The best part, when she got to the and she chanted AMEN! We tried correcting her the first few times, but to her it was a prayer. How could you argue with her? It's a collection of words that is committed to memory just out of shear repetition. Just like a prayer.
Every few months, the kids come by the KPEL studios and we re-record. Each time she got better and better. We have come a long way. New Year's Day was spent partly at the station and we decided to update our recording of the Pledge.
And just like with every sibling relationship, "monkey see, monkey do" applies here. Her two year old sister Blakely, who we call "sissy" in our house, wanted to try it to. It's unclear, but cute and she has only ever heard the pledge ended with "AMEN". So we let it go, but this time we got it all recorded.
Rob Kirkpatrick hosts 'Acadiana's Morning News' on NewsTalk 96.5 KPEL and can commonly be heard giving news on other Townsquare Media stations.
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