A maintenance coordinator at a Louisiana school has been arrested on video voyeurism charges.

According to the St. John the Baptist Sheriff's Office, on August 30, 2022, a camera was found in a girls' restroom on the campus, which is located in St. John the Baptist Parish.

The school where the incident took place is reported to be Riverside Academy, which is located in Reserve, La.

via Google Street View
via Google Street View

Reserve is between Interstate 10 and the Mississippi River, just west of Laplace.

According to the story, the maintenance coordinator's name is Blake Krueger, and he is accused of allegedly placing a plumbing camera in the restroom in a gymnasium.

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As you can see in the photo below, taken from eBay, a plumbing camera can be relatively inexpensive.

via eBay
via eBay

The images taken by this camera can easily be viewed on a smart phone, though the report does not say which specific sewer camera was used.

The report does say that investigators found more than one hole drilled into a stall in the restroom as, we assume, a "hiding place" for the camera. The St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's Office is alleging that the maintenance man was spying on some of the girls at the school with the camera.

The maintenance man was arrested on two counts of video voyeurism and was being held on a $50,169.50 bond.

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