Romero On The Right-Front Yard Project Coordinator [VIDEO][OPINION]
Have we as a society gotten so lazy that we need someone to remind us to clean up our own space? With all the anti-litter public service announcements that have aired over the last 50 years you'd think we would have gotten the message. Not so in Lafayette apparently. Mayor-President Joel Robideaux has appointed a Front Yard Project Coordinator to lead the coordination of neighborhood beautification initiatives. In this 'Romero On The Right' I take a look at this from a couple of angles. Remember all the views expressed are mine and do not reflect opinions of anyone else at NewsTalk 96.5 KPEL or Townsquare Media. Click the link above to watch this week's 'Romero On The Right' and please scroll down a bit to hit the 'subscribe' button before closing out.