St. Landry Crime Stoppers Program Honored As Best In The Nation
Crime Stoppers USA has awarded the 2017 Best Crime of the Week for both television and radio for the population 0 to 250,000 in the nation to the St. Landry Crime Stoppers program.
“The only other times that a crime stoppers program has won in the state was in 2014 and 2015 for population over 250,000 and was won by New Orleans Crime Stoppers and Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers,” points out Sheriff Bobby J. Guidroz.
The Crime Stoppers USA board looked at the program and based their decision on the following criteria: contribution to public awareness, originality of idea or concept, quality and excellence, impact on community, and results obtained.
Spokesman Major Eddie Thibodeaux, who you can listen to every Thursday at 7:15 a.m. on “Acadiana’s Morning News,” came up with the concept of not only spotlighting more of the crime but bringing in the men and women of law enforcement who directly work on the cases aired.
“Coordinators are merely spokespersons, airing the men and women of law enforcement, the real heroes of law enforcement who actually solve the cases through the tips of crime stoppers should get most of the credit,” says Major Thibodeaux. “The media deserves credit. But, most of all the tipsters of crime stoppers, because without them cases would be harder to solve.”
Thursday morning’s Crime of the Week segment airs live and features the latest Crime of the Week, scams, and personal safety tips.
The St. Landry Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week is aired in Acadiana and also posted on websites in an effort to assist the victims of crimes throughout our area not just St. Landry Parish.
On the St. Landry Crime Stoppers page, which currently has over 19,000 followers, you can see the Crime of the Week, daily arrest and call log reports, press releases, public service announcements, and much more.
“The Crime of the Week is a public service to the citizens of Acadiana,” says Sheriff Guidroz. “I would personally like to thank the media outlets for giving up valuable air time spotlighting crimes in and around Acadiana. If law enforcement, the media, and the citizens all work together, more cases can be solved.”
Remember, if you have information on a crime in St. Landry Parish and can help solve it, call the tip line at 337-948-TIPS (8477), tip online at stlandrycrimestoppers.com, or by downloading the P3 app on any mobile device and tip anonymously using your mobile device.
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