Bobby Jindal

State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
State Paying Tab For Jindal’s Travel
According to this recent article, the State of Louisiana is paying the tab for Governor Bobby Jindal when he travels out of state.  While that does not mean that we pay for airline tickets for the Governor or any of the other things associated with travel, what we do pay for is Governor Jindal's security...
Trump To Jindal – Stupid To Call Republicans Stupid
Trump To Jindal – Stupid To Call Republicans Stupid
Trump To Jindal – Stupid To Call Republicans Stupid
The Donald has come out swinging against Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.  That over Gov. Jindal's comments that the Republican Party needed to not be "the stupid party."  Donald Trump told Fox & Friends on Fox News Channel that because of that term being used, Jindal has now given Democrats something to label Republicans with. ...
Jindal Says Republicans Should Look Elsewhere
Jindal Says Republicans Should Look Elsewhere
Jindal Says Republicans Should Look Elsewhere
Governor Bobby Jindal is taking part in a Republican gathering in Charlotte, North Carolina.  He is set to speak at a keynote dinner tonight and NBC News is reporting that he will make some interesting comments. According to an article, Jindal will say, Today’s conservatism is completely wrapped up in solving the hideous mess that is the federal budget, the burgeoning deficits, the mammoth federal
Who Is The Face Of The Republican Party?
Who Is The Face Of The Republican Party?
Who Is The Face Of The Republican Party?
Now that Republicans are looking ahead to renew their image, who is the new face of the party?  There are many that are being brought up, including Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Who do you think the new face of the party is?  Let us know in the comments section below...
Do You Think Bobby Jindal Would Be A Serious Candidate For President?
Do You Think Bobby Jindal Would Be A Serious Candidate For President?
Do You Think Bobby Jindal Would Be A Serious Candidate For President?
Karl Rove came to the state recently for the annual meeting of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry.  In comments made to the the meeting, he said that Governor Jindal could be a serious candidate for President.  Rove based that on education and government reform initiatives made by the Jindal Administration that Rove says would be popular in national circles...

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