The Story of the First Ever Boudin King Cake Will Make You Smile
Boudin king cake has become very popular in recent years and why wouldn't it be? It is a combination of two of Louisiana's most sought after delicacies. It may seem like it's been around forever, but you may be surprised to learn the first-ever boudin king cake was made just six years ago.
I would bet money that you have never heard this story...
Bob Carriker, the mind behind BoudinLink.com and the Boudin Festival, actually created the first Boudin King Cake in his own kitchen. It set off a supply and demand frenzy that he never expected. He told the whole story on KPEL's Acadiana's Morning News.
It all started in 2014 when Carriker posted his original recipe for Boudin King Cake on his website. The recipe caught the attention of Megan Wyatt who was, at the time, a writer for The Advertiser. She asked all of the normal questions a reporter asks and in the end, she asked where someone could get one. Not thinking about how big the boudin king cake craze would eventually get, Carriker directed readers to contact him. In his mind, no one would actually be interested and he could keep up with the few potential orders out of his home kitchen. The story was published and it went viral.
Carikker says he started getting requests from all over almost instantly. He thought increasing the price would discourage potential buyers, but after increasing the price to more than $120.00, the orders kept coming in. He had hundreds of boudin king cakes on backorder. With no way to fulfill orders and no real answers to demands from the public, Carikker turned to the experts: Twins Burgers and Sweets.
He ended up sitting down with owners Billy and Denny Guilbeaux. After a short test run, they went to market and on day one the line was wrapped around the building. The rest, as they say, is history.
So, you may be asking about compensation for this idea he put right into the lap of Twins. Well, Bob says he turned over everything for a $100 Twins gift card. The first season of Boudin King Cake sales earned Twins enough money to pay off loans they took out to open Twins.
Carikker remains a loyal Twins customer and says the informal financial arrangement has changed a bit since 2014. He has a house account that he says they, "probably don't look at".
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