39 Things a Louisiana Cajun Should Know
When you're from Acadiana, there are a few things you're going to be expected to know.
Like what you ask?
Let's dive in...
Things A Cajun Oughta Know
Growing up in Acadiana, there are so many things we learn how to do that, we don't even realize it.
It's just second nature to know how clean crabs, jitterbug, and make a roux.
These aren't things that anyone outside of Acadiana is going to expect you to know how to do because they have no idea what any of that is about.
Instead, these are things Cajuns from Acadiana are going to expect you to know how to do.
It got us thinking, just what are things that Cajuns oughta know?
We asked you this question, and as usual, you had some fantastic answers that we've listed below.
If we left anything off the list that should be on it, let us know!
Things A Louisiana Cajun Outta Know
1. How to make a roux
2. How to clean crabs and shrimp
3. How to boil and peel crawfish
4. Never put tomatoes in gumbo
5. Potato salad goes in the gumbo
6. Just because you call them Nonc and Taunt doesn't mean you're blood-related, but it doesn't mean they're any less family
7. How to build a bonfire
8. Cooked okra shouldn't be slimy
9. How to fill a sandbag
10. How to properly wash and dry a cast iron pot
11. How to make crawfish étouffe without cream of mushroom (or cream of anything) soup
12. How to cook a gumbo or a stuffed pounc'e
13. When you leave Louisiana be prepared to use your turn signals
14. Speak and understand French
15. Know the Cajun trinity
16. The only beach is Holly Beach
17. How to make cornbread in a cast-iron skillet
18. Know that you always mow the yard before a hurricane
19. Know who actually made the potato salad because you can't eat just anyone's potato salad.
20. Boudin is most definitely breakfast food
21. How to catch crawfish with a dip net
22. How to navigate the waters at Lake Fausse Point, rain or shine, night or day
23. Know where the Rougarou is
24. That a 7-course meal is a six-pack of beer and a pound of boudin
25. How to pronounce Atchafalaya
26. How to catch a chicken
27. Know to visit your grandparents often
28. Cane syrup = the only syrup
29. How to manually crank an outboard with a rope
30. How to clean the fish you catch
31. How to make a jug line and bait it
32. That the Louisiana state bird is a mosquito
33. Never order gumbo in a restaurant outside of Louisiana
34. How to get to Grevinburg in the Basin to catch sac-u-lait
35. The New Iberia haircut
36. How to jitterbug, two-step, and waltz
37. How to play Booray
38. How to make meatball or/and potato stew
39. All of the words to D.L. Menard's "The Back Door"
LOOK: Things from the year you were born that don't exist anymore
Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus