Looking for more Fall fun in Acadiana?

Vermilionville will be hosting the annual Boo Bayou tomorrow, Saturday, October 23, 2021.
Boo Bayou is an all-day family fall festival that will have games, face painting, balloon animals, and trick or treating. This event will be an all-around fun time for the whole family.

During the event, there will also be some kid-friendly spooky Halloween movies that will be playing in the Performance Center. Kids are welcome to come grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy the films.
There will also be a spooky menu being served in the restaurant that is sure to match the fun-filled events of the day. And as always costumes are always encouraged since there will be a Fall Photo Station available so that you can get a family photo.
Admission for Boo Bayou is $5 for ages 2 and older, and the event runs from 10 am - 3 pm.

Tomorrow night at 7 pm things will take a turn from spooky to downright scary. Vermilionville will be hosting an interactive murder mystery, Murder on the Bayou. During this event, you will be able to collect and solve clues that will lead you through a step-by-step scavenger hunt in the historic village.

Tickets are $10 per person or register early here for $8.

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