
What Is The Fuss About Big Bird?
What Is The Fuss About Big Bird?
What Is The Fuss About Big Bird?
You'd think he suggested that we throw Big Bird off the cliff on national television.  Mitt Romney made mention of his view that PBS should not get government funding during the debate and all of the sudden, there is this backlash that he is so insensitive...
How Did Obama and Romney Do In The Debate?
How Did Obama and Romney Do In The Debate?
How Did Obama and Romney Do In The Debate?
Game on!  The debate raged for 90 minutes and President Barack Obama  and Governor Mitt Romney came to battle with one another. But, how did they do?  Who was the most effective and who came up short?  Here's my view: From the top of the debate, it was clear that the President still had his campaign talking points in place and wanted to accuse Governor Romney of things that he disputed repeatedly.
Apple Actually Tells People To Use Competing Apps
Apple Actually Tells People To Use Competing Apps
Apple Actually Tells People To Use Competing Apps
Call me stunned.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the letter that comes from Tim Cook, Apple's current CEO.  He basically apologizes for the problems people have had with Apple's upgraded maps app.  There has been documentation online of some of the crazy things that were done on the new maps app...
Romney Just Can’t Win…With The Media
Romney Just Can’t Win…With The Media
Romney Just Can’t Win…With The Media
Mitt Romney decided today to release his taxes from 2011.  In addition, his blind trust released a letter indicating that he paid his taxes over the course of a longer period of time before that.  In his taxes, he paid 14.1 percent with his income being based on investments...
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
Obama’s Got More Whoppers Than Burger King
I can't believe it and I know I probably should believe it.  Still, when President Obama tells some real tall tales and figures people will believe it, you have to wonder if he is going to rival Bill Clinton as someone that you can count on for flat out lying to the American people...

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