Iconic Theme Songs That Have Stood the Test of Time
I love a good theme song!
Whether I'm watching a television show, a sporting event, or a movie, if it has a good theme song then I can't get it out of my head and the production becomes more memorable to me. I tend to remember the theme song as much as the main part of the show.
I recently started thinking about theme songs that have stood the test of time - iconic theme songs that people recognize today no matter how old it is. Theme songs bring nostalgia to me, which I am a sucker for.
Check out my list below of Iconic Theme Songs That Have Stood the Test of Time and let me know what you think! As you will see, I have tried to cover theme songs from multiple genres including game shows, court tv, children's shows, etc.
Which theme song do you now have stuck in your head? What iconic theme songs did I leave off the list? Which iconic theme song is your favorite?