Opelousas Woman Arrested For Allegedly Having Sex With Child
28-year-old Ashley Nicole Jones of Opelousas has been arrested after deputies with the St. Landry Parish Sheriff's Office say she had sexual intercourse with a boy under the age of 13 years old.
Detectives say the boy admitted that the sexual encounters happened at her home between May and July of 2019. A video was made of the last sexual encounter identifying Jones and the boy.
"I would like to commend the father of the victim," says St. Landry Parish Sheriff Bobby Guidroz. "Undoubtedly it was hard to bring his young child into the sheriff's office concerning a sexual matter. The fact that this father asked the tough questions should be commended. All parents need to talk to their children and be aware of who and where they are visiting."
Jones has been charged with three counts Felony Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile. Her bond has been set at $15,000.00.
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