Supt Trosclair: Student and Teacher Safety Is Central To Back-To-School Plan
It seems like it's no question for Lafayette Parish Schools Superintendent Irma Trosclair that in-person learning is the most effective, but the issue of safety is one that she and her staff take very seriously. Since school ended in March in the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at LPSS has been working on a plan to get kids back in the classroom. That plan was detailed in the Learn Lafayette plan that was released earlier this month.
In hindsight, the number of cases then was minuscule compared what we're seeing now, but advocates of the plan to get kids back in school contend that we know so much more about COVID-19. Still, district administrators, lead by Trosclair, have put a number of precautions into place. In an interview with KPEL's Acadiana's Morning News, Trosclair admits the plan is still likely to change as the pandemic extends into a 6th month.
One question we have received at KPEL News has to do with the protocol for when someone in the classroom tests positive. Trosclair says if one student or the teacher test positive, each parent of students in that classroom will receive a phone call alerting them to possible exposure. A class would likely not have to quarantine unless a second student was positive. She explains the process in the interview below.
In an hours-long school board meeting last week, board members debated alternative plans such as a delayed start until after Labor Day and even a plan that would have had all students learning virtually to start the year. Both of those efforts failed and the district moves toward a hybrid system of learning which is scheduled to begin on August 17th.
You can read more about the reopening plans for various pages by CLICKING HERE.

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