Tips Still Sought About Endangered Whooping Crane
There is a fifteen year project to continue to restore the whooping crane to Louisiana wetlands.
That can be hard to do though, when people decided to harm the beautiful creatures.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is asking for tips about a case from last year. Someone shot an endangered whooping crane in Acadia Parish last year.
Wildlife agents found the wounded crane last year on November 2nd between Crowley and Rayne off of Monceaux Road.
The bird did not make it even though a veterinarian tried to save the bird. The injuries to the bird were too severe.
You can actually receive reward money if you can help state officials figure out who the person is that is responsible for shooting the whooping crane.
Please call the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation at 800-442-2511 if you can help solve this case.
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