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New Orleans Saints’ Sean Payton Could Already Be Coach Of The Year – Here’s Why
New Orleans Saints’ Sean Payton Could Already Be Coach Of The Year – Here’s Why
New Orleans Saints’ Sean Payton Could Already Be Coach Of The Year – Here’s Why
Head coach of the New Orleans Saints, Sean Payton, has already had to overcome quite a bit of adversity only weeks into the NFL season. From a hurricane displacing the team, to coaches being out, to injured star players, Coach Payton has put himself in the running for coach-of-the-year with the way he has handled the adversity of the season thus far.
New Orleans Saints Have Six Offensive Coaches, One Player Test Positive For COVID
New Orleans Saints Have Six Offensive Coaches, One Player Test Positive For COVID
New Orleans Saints Have Six Offensive Coaches, One Player Test Positive For COVID
After coming off of a monstrous Week 1 victory, the New Orleans Saints are facing another hurdle with multiple members of the team testing positive for COVID. While only one player has reportedly tested positive so far, approximately half of the offensive coaching staff have received a positive result.

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