“Southern Nights” Bill Heads To Full Senate
A Lafayette representative's bill seeking to make an Allen Toussaint song Louisiana's cultural anthem is one step closer to final passage.
The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee unanimously approved Rep. Vincent Pierre's (D-Lafayette) bill, House Bill 351, which would make "Southern Nights" Louisiana's official cultural songs. No word on when the full Senate will take up the measure. The session ends next Thursday.
The House revised the bill before sending it to the House. Under the reëngrossed bill, "Give Me Louisiana" would be removed as an official state song. That would leave "You Are My Sunshine," a song closely associated with former Governor Jimmie Davis, as the state's only official song. Under the bill, "Louisiana My Home Sweet Home" would remain the state's official march, while "The Gifts of Earth" would still be the state's official environmental song.
Since its introduction, House Bill 351 has received overwhelming support in the legislature. It cleared a House committee unanimously. The full House approved the bill by a 100-1 vote with four members absent. Rep. Blake Miguez (R-New Iberia) cast the lone "no" vote.
According to the story Toussaint tells in live versions of the song recorded in the years leading up to his 2015 death, the lyrics in "Southern Nights" are inspired by the trips from New Orleans to the country to visit his father's extended family.
To see our previous coverage on this story, click the links below:
“Southern Nights” Bill Gets Overwhelming Support In House
Read More: "Southern Nights" Bill Gets Overwhelming Support In House | https://kpel965.com/southern-nights-bill-gets-overwhelming-support-in-house/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
Audio: Terrance Simien Discusses "Southern Nights" Bill
Lafayette Rep. Proposes “Southern Nights” As State Cultural Anthem
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