Texas Lottery fans in Lewisville, Laredo, and New Llano were waiting at 10 pm on Saturday. Powerball fans in Dallas, Dumas, and Dodd City, Texas were also on alert at that same time. Not only were Texas Lottery fans preparing for Powerball, but there was the added attraction of Lotto Texas with Extra! on Saturday night too. 

Texas Lottery Logo
Texas Lottery via YouTube

Such is life in the Lone Star State when the football season starts to wane. Pretty soon our Saturdays won't be consumed with college football and at least in Houston, they'll probably miss the NFL season too. I am not sure how the folks in "Big D" are feeling but my guess is they have already moved on to "next year".

What Were The Powerball Numbers on Saturday?

But enough about losing, let's talk about winning and winning a Powerball jackpot that was estimated to be $205.9 million. Here is how the numbers rolled out of the hopper last night.

Our inside eyes and ears at Powerball confirmed that no ticket sold across the Powerball landscape matched the numbers needed to claim that jackpot prize. That means the next time we play Powerball in Texas, that jackpot will be an estimated $220 million for the annuitized jackpot. The lump sum or cash payout is estimated to be $98.4 million.

Did Anyone Win Powerball on Saturday?

There were no Match 5 Million winners in Saturday's Powerball drawing so the largest prize on the board would be a ticket that matched four of five white balls and the Powerball and also invoked the Power Play multiplier. A Texas Lottery Powerball ticket did just that on Saturday night.

Powerball39 via YouTube
Powerball39 via YouTube

The Texas Lottery does not provide point-of-purchase information on prizes less than $1 million so we don't have the exact location where that winner was sold. But we do know the big money winner picked up the largest Powerball prize of the evening on Saturday.

Alejandro Garay via Unsplash.com
Alejandro Garay via Unsplash.com

If you'd like to check your tickets, here are the numbers we saw roll out of the hopper.

26   32  43   54   56   Powerball 24   Power Play x2

If it looks as if you're one of 48,913 Texans who earned a prize playing Powerball on Saturday you'll need to verify that win via the Official Texas Lottery website or the Official Powerball website. Those are the official sites of record so do check them before you attempt to claim a prize. Those sites also have helpful information on making claiming a prize even easier.

Texas Lottery via YouTube
Texas Lottery via YouTube

Lotto Texas with Extra! has been steadily growing its jackpot since June of last year. The Lotto Texas jackpot on Saturday was estimated to be $62 million. There were no tickets that matched all the numbers needed to claim that jackpot prize.

But, there were seventeen lucky Texans who earned a prize of $2,348 in the game last night. Another seven Texans or to be accurate Texas Lottery-sold tickets earned a Lotto Texas with Extra! prize of $12,348. Their win is $10,000 more because they spent the "extra" to play "Extra" or the multiplier in the game. I think the multiplier is always a good investment, but that's my opinion.

Texas Lottery, Facebook
Texas Lottery, Facebook

As we start the new work week the Powerball jackpot will draw for $220 million on Monday. Lotto Texas with Extra! will draw on Monday as well with a jackpot of $63.2 million which is actually more than the estimated Mega Millions jackpot. Mega Millions will draw on Tuesday for a top prize estimated to be $62 million.

Please remember most lottery games don't pay you back. The majority of players lose money. So, if you can't afford to lose your money then you really should consider not playing a lottery game. If you have a gambling problem there is free assistance available to you but you have to make the first step and reach out. Dial 1-800-GAMBLER. The call and the referrals to counselling and assistance are free. Good Luck.

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