Santa Claus is now on the move and parents can track his movement worldwide.

One of the best nights of the year as a kid is Christmas Eve because you know that Santa is on his way, and with technology, we can now track his movements from one side of the globe to the other.

If you want to show your kids Santa's movements, check out the link below and enjoy.

However, once you see Santa Claus approaching your area, get into bed because you don't want Santa to skip your home on Christmas Eve.

The Queen Consort Invites Children To Decorate The Clarence House Christmas Tree
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So, while Satna and his reindeer are on the move, enjoy watching his journey across the world and we hope that all of you end up on Santa's good list and not the naughty list.

From all of us here at the radio station, Merry Christmas, and be sure to share this story and link with other families so that they too can enjoy this magical experience with their kids.


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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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