This past Friday, a sticky fingered thief stole money out of a tip jar that was set up for out-of-work servers. The next day, he returned the money along with a heartfelt apology letter. reports Mexican Villa Restaurant in Springfield, Mo posted a picture of the thief to their Facebook Page asking for help identifying the man. The man allegedly stole $40 from a tip jar the restaurant had set up to collect money for out-of-work servers.

To the restaurant's surprise the thief returned the next day with $70, more than he stole, and handed them an apology note.

Via, the note read -

“To the employees who worked yesterday I truly apologize for what happened it was a stupid mistake made while under the influence of drugs which is not a excuse just the truth there was 40 something (dollars) in there when it was taken I tried to double it but could only get 70 (dollars) I’m sorry I’m not a bad person just a man with an addiction I AM sorry!!!”

Check out the apology note below, and read more over at


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