Louisiana officials are continuing to investigate a fire that happened in which a woman who was trying to heat her dwelling perished due to the devices used.

During a week when the weather was extremely cold, investigators with the Louisiana Office of the State Fire Marshal were called out to begin the process of determining why a camper burned to the ground, killing the resident.

While officials with the State Fire Marshal's Office are still waiting for an official confirmation from the coroner's office, they do believe that the owner of the camper, a 60-year-old woman, was the person who perished in the fire.

As their investigation unfolded, Fire Marshal Chief Bryan Adams said the woman was using some unsafe heating practices that led to her death. He says they found problems with the wood-burning stove being used in the camper along with a chimenea that was also being used in the camper.

Church Point Fire
Photo courtesy of the Office of State Fire Marsha

What Is The Number of Fatal Fires In 2025?

The number of fatal fires in Louisiana since the start of the new year will likely shock you. Chief Adams says this is the 15th fatal fire recorded since January 2, 2025.

There have been different causes of the fires. A space heater was thought to have been what started the fire on Monday, January 20, when a 60-year-old man died in a blaze in his home.

In a Church Point fire that claimed the life of Isaiah Harrison of Pennsylvania, the State Fire Marshal's Office says the fire started with improper wiring of utilities to the home.

On January 6, four people died in a house fire that happened in Winnsboro. That same day, one person perished in a house fire in Abbeville, and then another death was recorded in Shreveport.

In comparison, by this time in 2024, only one fatal fire was recorded in our state.

What Do Investigators Know About The Latest Death?

According to State Fire Marshal Chief Bryan Adams, the woman who died in this camper fire was improperly using a chimera inside. In addition, the wood-burning stove was wrongly used.

Investigators found the camper did not have a working smoke alarm.

Chief Adams says that working smoke alarms save lives, and any structure where you are living should be equipped with one.

Space Heater Graphic
Photo courtesy of Office of State Fire Marshal

What Are The Chief's Tips For Fire Safety?

  • Each home (structure) must have at least one working smoke alarm.
  • Space heaters should be plugged directly into a wall socket. 
  • Anyone using a space heater should never plug it into an extension cord or power strip.
  • Never use your oven or stove to heat your home.
  • Never leave a candle unattended.
  • If you're using your fireplace, you should always have someone supervising it.
  • When using a space heater, it needs to be at least 3 to 5 feet away from anything that might catch fire. 

What Can You Do If You Don't Have A Working Smoke Alarm?

In 2024, the Office of the State Fire Marshal received a massive donation of smoke alarms from First Alert and Lowe's.

You can register for a free smoke alarm as part of Operation Save-A-Life.

If you have problems with installation with installing a smoke alarm, you can also register to get assistance with that as well.

For information on how to register and programs available to the public, you can visit lasfm.org. Chief Adams also recommends contacting your local fire department to ask for help.

This camper fire happened in the 100 block of Charlie Davis Road in the town of Singer in Beauregard Parish.

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Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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